
/ False Faces

Let's generate some ideas.

Come up with novel solutions to hard problems in five minutes.

I need a problem

We'll suggest some problems for you.

I know my problem

You're ready to start generating ideas.

Try one of theese:

What's your problem?

Write your problem as a question, as open-ended as possible.

Selecting an idea generator...

What assumptions are you making?

List as many asummptions about the problem as you can, then hit "next."


How can you challenge these assumptions?

Challenge it:


Slice and Dice

S is for Substitute

Think about all the facets of your problem. In what ways can you substitute one thing for another?


C is for Combine

Can you combine parts of this problem together? Can you combine other problems with this one? Can you combine other people's problems with yours?


A is for Adapt

Can you adapt an existing solution to fit your needs? Can you adapt a solution designed for a different problem?


M is for Modify/Magnify

What parts of this problem can you modify in interesting ways? Is there something you could magnify in an over-the-top fashion?


P is for Put to another use

How could you eliminate or minimize parts of this problem?


E is for Eliminate

How can you combine different parts of this problem?


R is for Rearrange

How could you rearrange parts of this problem? Could you change the order of events? The physical layout?


Word 1: Loading...

How does this word relate to your problem? List all the attributes of this word in your mind, and ask yourself how those attributes apply to your situation.

Random image

Picture 1: How does this image relate to your problem? List all the attributes of this image in your mind, and ask yourself how those attributes apply to your situation.


You generated ideas.

I think you can do better.

Generate ideas quickly.

Have a tough problem you can't crack? Use this generator to create a huge number of ideas. The key to creativity is quantity.

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